Friday, March 20, 2020

I Did Not Expect Self-Quarantine to Be This Chaotic

What a week! Since I started moving into my new off-campus apartment over the Spring break (which I mentioned in class before the break and Sub commented as “a weird time to move”, but now it turns out I am really being lucky), I had been hoping for Northeastern to cancel classes and move online just so I could finally breathe in this heavy-loaded semester (Imagine taking 7 courses at a time!).

The concept of self-quarantine did not bother me at all. In fact, I was quite excited about it since I am such an indoor person (with slight social anxiety of course), and the idea that I can stay in my shell with a proper justification (so that I don’t seem too antisocial) couldn’t be more pleasant to me. Yet in reality, quarantine is not as relaxing as I expected. On top of all the packing and unpacking, furniture assembly and grocery shopping I had to do, I had homework due all throughout these two weeks (Seriously why can’t Northeastern just give us a one-week break since it’s kicking us all out of our stay?), which makes me work on Adobe excessively until my eyes start to hurt. What’s worse, one of my professors literally DOUBLED the workload for her course, which I am still super mad about. Sorry I am just dumping my complaints here and sorry I am easily annoyed after sophomore year's wicked transformation, but seriously, I do understand that cleaning supplies are running out of stock, but why is pasta ALL GONE? What am I stocking up marinara sauce for??

Anyway, as can be easily figured out from the above, I haven’t much time to read in the past week. I am trying to utilize however much time I have to devour my library books (FYI Snell is extending my due dates to near the end of April and BPL stops charging fines before sometime in May. There are great people and organizations out there for your service!) I started War and Peace (checked out from Snell) which I have been keeping for over a semester but never had time to read. I have a weird favor for Russian writers since Russian was required in my middle school, although all I remember now are the alphabet and greetings (it be like that sometimes). Yet as of now, it’s embarrassing to find myself more interested in reading the introduction rather than the actual text (sorry Tolstoy). 

I’ve seen many of you posting pictures of your bookshelves, so I consider it a good idea to stick to the trend. Since the majority of my collection is at home in China (of course 99% of them are in Chinese) and some are in Rochester NY, I only have a picture of my books in my current apartment (Imagine moving all of these from on campus to here!). My last roommate called them a ResLibrary and how I love that name! Anyway, it’s my first ever bookshelf in a country other than my own and I still can’t help staring at it while giggling after having it for almost a week.

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