Saturday, February 8, 2020

book flaps and sizes

So last Tuesday I mentioned some stuff about the differences in book sizes for American and Japanese manga publications, along with some stuff about the little flaps the Japanese put on like every book. So, here's some examples.

I don't have different versions of the same series sadly, but this is a pretty good example of the typical size difference. Sometimes there's less of a difference, and sometimes there's an even greater difference. These books are also a similar page count, and the Japanese one was 421 yen, which is around 4$, and the English one in the back was 15$. I also got the Japanese one in a store called Book Off over there, which has shelves of second hand manga for 100 yen each. Pretty silly.

As for the little book flaps, I didn't actually take them off of a couple books I have. The actual content of both the book flaps is mostly advertising the book itself, as another way to catch people's eyes.

What this looks like for manga:

Pretty much just an extra "Hey look at me! And here's some tease about what's in me."

The back of the flap even includes some panel's from the book. Like here's the leftmost panel:

As for normal books, my copy of the second part of Norwegian Wood still has its flap on it.

Also a flap that advertises the book. The text roughly translates to something like "Intense, quiet, and sad, a 100% romance novel" or something like that. The 100% is a bit wonky cause it doesn't have the English meaning of like 100% of X, but eh. 

Also, this book is very smol.

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