Friday, February 21, 2020

That Time of Year

At the end of last week, I noticed the crunch of the semester had begun. Usually it's something you can see in the eyes, but last week it was something I noticed about myself, while chatting with a roommate of mine. We began talking about all the work we need to get done before Spring Break, and in general all that needs to be done between now and graduation. I could have told by looking in his eyes that he'd been coding for 18+ hours a day. But, what I had not noticed was how much I was working. I realized I had been spending about 14 hours a day on campus, and asides for one Sunday this month, I had set aside no time for my own reading. I had officially been engulfed in my required studies...

I am still carrying War and Peace (pt. 1) and Kudera's Life is Elsewhere (both about 1/2 finished) with me where ever I go, but it is my required reading for History, New Worlds, Lost Worlds by Susan Brigden, that has my finders wrapped around it everyday. Not only did I have to finish it in time for a mid-term I had this week, but I went back and re-read everything I underlined or put in parenthesis... I found it interesting mainly because one morning we had discussed rereading books and I could only think of short-stories I had reread...but not that this example has "shown me the light" I realized throughout all of my history courses in high school and college I have gone back. Although I do not read word for word, I would say I still tend to read close to about 1/2 the book over again. We're starting our second book of the semester, Mark Kishlansky's A Monarchy Transformed: Britain 1603-1714, this weekend and now that I've picked up on this studying habit of mine, I'm going to be even more intentional with the parts of the book I highlight, annotate and take notes on...

Although this is not too English related, it certainly has given me a life lesson to grow from!

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